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Greet user with preferred name (permalink)

The corresponding challenge is #4.


Users like to be addressed by their preferred name within apps. This is a name that they are known as, or use for themselves. In some cultures, this is the first name. It could also be a user-chosen name or nickname. Other cultures do not have the concept of a first name, so another strategy is needed.

Approved solution

We developed a Web app that shows users their preferred name based on a set of N3 rules.

User flow


  • Web app
  • User of the application



  1. The user opens the Web app.
  2. The user logs in with their WebID.


  • The user sees their preferred name in the Web app.

Follow-up actions

  • Add a function to get a person's preferred name to SolidLabLib.js (issue).

Future work



  • Challenge: Ruben Verborgh
  • Solution: Sindhu Vasireddy
  • Report: Pieter Heyvaert